Finally Master Vi Hwa bought the flower boys of Silla into Hwarang and bound them with rules. It sure was difficult for them to live w...

Flower Boys of Silla Bound to Live together - Hwarang - Episode 6 Review

By | Monday, February 13, 2017 Leave a Comment
 So hoo hilarious reaction after waking the next morning seeing Ban Ryu- Hwarang - Episode 6 Review

Finally Master Vi Hwa bought the flower boys of Silla into Hwarang and bound them with rules. It sure was difficult for them to live with each other in the same room yet they already signed to abide the rules and regulation living there.

It was the pair of five including Sun Woo, Ban Ryu Ran. So Hoo, Ji Dwi and Wool rang. We were curious to knew how will they survive as every one knows Ban Ryu couldn't bear the presence of So Hoo neither Sun Woo. He was too obsessed of being the mighty and noble. As for So Hoo he never miss a chance to show Ban Ryu down. In future their chemistry will for sure will fun and we hope the four of them will become the best friends later on.

 So hoo shout realize he slept with Ban ryu and Yeo Wool made them fight - Hwarang - Episode 6 Review

regarding having differences of the class they were bound to follow the rules to be in one group, sleep together, eat together, work together, do laundry and also take bath together.
 silla's boys do their laundery at the river - Hwarang - Episode 6 Review

The one who breaks the rule the group will be severly punish. Here no one can use or bring a servant. More over they were being put watch by the extra ordinary powerful guard. It was really fun for us watching the flower boys doing their own work and get annoyed as they couldn't put a stop on it.

 sun woo, ji dwi, so hoo, ban ryu and yeo wool in hwarang bath house - Hwarang - Episode 6 Review
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