We never admire any villain in kdrama yet the year 2016 come up with unique villain who make their place and reminded us of their unique c...

Our Favorite Korean Drama Villains of 2016

By | Friday, February 03, 2017 Leave a Comment
We never admire any villain in kdrama yet the year 2016 come up with unique villain who make their place and reminded us of their unique character. Which become their recognization. Some were successful and some were just average.

Our Favorite Korean Drama Villains of 2016
The drama was and the story line really awesome with the strong characters. We won't feel burden to admit we at first like the character of 3rd Prince Yoo and called him the eyeliner Prince who love to wear lot of jewellery. The eyeliner make him look evil and he has the complex to snatch everything possible.

Other then him his mother the evil Queen also make her place by doing bad things till the end. All she was after the throne she didn't even care for his own sons. It look like the mother Queen and the son had the complicated relationship. She did all brainwash to make one son hate him, the other after the throne and younger one pity them. In the end nothing left for that crazy women she ruined everyone's lives.

Yeon Hwa was the second face of Queen Yoo she was no less then her as she was after throne and ruined many lives. Her greed make her image the worst and no one stayed by her side even the King left her alone.  

witchy yeon hwa, queen yoo and eyeliner prince - moon lovers scarlet heart reyo - Our Favorite Korean Drama Villains of 2016
We never become so feared yet when the faceless killer appears in W. It almost stopped our heart. We wonder who that freaking guy was. His appearance was pretty impressive we wonder what really send him over that edge when the killer turned out to be Yeon Joo's dad (Writer Sung Moo). THis transforming character really did a brilliant job and leaves the impressive impression. Though he was a soul less killer yet we enjoyed watching his character.  

faceless killer from w two worlds - Our Favorite Korean Drama Villains of 2016

he was the evil friend who stole the identity of his savior friend and then push him off the cliff. It wasn't just friends identity but before he steal many people's identity and did hideous crimes. He also put his father hous eon fire and murdered a maid at a coloniel house. He became master of noodles from the stolen recipe book of his friend. When he find out the friend wasn't dead and still alive he put poison in his food. His evil face was unveiled by the son of his dead friend. 

master god of noodles villain - Our Favorite Korean Drama Villains of 2016
An Na evil step Mom Madam Choi Yoo Jin become one of our favourite female villain due to her marvelous acting and powerful role. She rules without doing anything just touch one string and the things get settled. We never feel bore while watching K2's episode. beside An Na we love Madam Choi Yoo Jin character the more and feel pity for her as she was the one who was on loss because of her love and her husband. 

evil step mom from the k2 - Our Favorite Korean Drama Villains of 2016
  • Remember: War of the Son – Nam Goong Min
We don't know we love Nam Gun Min in the evil character. This time he really gives cold and make us shiver when killed the female using the bottle opner OMG. He doesn't look like in his senses acted all insane. All he was proud of him being the evil and the cheabol who do things for fun and for his own satisfaction. 

namgun min villain from remember war of son - Our Favorite Korean Drama Villains of 2016
The Queen wasn't that evil yet she acted as the horrible mother who didn't even saw her own child face and threw her away in order to take over the throne. How can one be this cruel to the edge and want her child to be dead. This wasn't all she was too much in into Prince and his eunuch affairs and did all the worse all things she could possibly do.

evil queen from moonlight drawn by the clouds - Our Favorite Korean Drama Villains of 2016
  • Mirror of the Witch (Lady Shaman)
It always give us chill when reminded of the emotionless villain the lady Shaman. Her face gives the creepy impression. It was her lust of power which turned him this cruel and witchy who made Royal family suffer by doing terrible things taking out of the soul of once body and putting it some where else under magic spell. her doings gives shiver. We really curse her while watching this drama. If you are a fan of black magic do watch this drama there will lot horror rather then the romance.

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