The first episode started with the young bride Ji Hyun running bare footed on the street. There was a big traffic jam but she manage to reach her wedding reception.
Every thing was going smoothly till she knew the truth about her fiances greed and best friend's betrayal. She become shocked her life was shattered on the way back in a car accident. She left her body in coma.
We thought grim reapper appeared to take her, but it turned out to be a schedular. She begged, cried and given a second chance, but it comes with a condition. She has to find three people outside of her family who would cry genuine tears for her condition. This was totally a new concept to watch as a fantasy gener drama. Our curiosity become more bigger how will she manage to get 3 tears and come back to life.
In order to do this she borrows the body of Yi Kyung a part time employee at a convenience store and also recieved a transparent beautiful pendant by the schedular to save tear drop in it.
After finishing 3 episodes the drama become more interesting how in 49 limited days will she manage to collect 3 genuine tears drops. We already knew it was a difficult task, the friend and fiance betrayed her. Other than these she had no other close connections.
Borrowing Yi Kungs body was also a new experience watching in K drama. Ji Hyun also had to manage Yi Kyungs daily routein, restricted by 49 days rule and also to keep silent not to mention her origional identity to any one.
At first she only wanted to survive and thinks only of herself but when the time passes living as a soul in Yi Kung body and only able to talk with schedular she learns a little to care for others.
At Han Kang resturant she got a job. Han Kang was one of her school fellow he become confused with actions of Yi Kyung and always comapred with Ji-Hyun.
Every time Yi Kyun try to give clue about her presence the pendant burns and become too hot to bear with it. It was the alarm to abide 49 Days rule. Yi Kyung was too pure she felt the presence of Ji Hyun and tried to kill herself due to some stress. Ji Hyun with the help of schedular save her again. We were curious about Yi Kyung why she become like this.
There was a clue may be she got dumped by her beloved and who that person is? Ji Hyun accidentaly saw the pictures of Yi Kungs beloved and OMG it turned out to be the Scheduler. The writer was too smart to come up with the story like this. Now the movement of thump thump started what will going to happen next. Is that why Scheduler chooses Yi Kyung to lend her body to Ji Hyun if not then what's the reason behind it.
Every thing become more mysterious. Ji Hyun tried to solve the mystery of Yi kyun stress and become late for the part time job. There the Scheduler again help her by prenteded to be Yi Kyung at the coffe shop.
Omo Ji Hyun met another man at the hospital who was in search of 3 genuine tears. So its not only Yi Kyung who died before the time and leading 49 days rule travel. But there were many. It then reveled to us the person who was the cause of the accidental death will have to lend the body to the soul whos on journey of 49 days travel clever han.
So the mystery of Yi Kyung half solved. The episodes were getting more interesting and tense at the same point so us we. One thought if Ji Hyun didn't get 3 tear drops to survive she will live in the other world happy with the Scheduler. But what to do it was our personal thought we knew she will manage to get the tear but how.
So the tense moments continue opening interesting facts. The past life of Yi kyung and Scheduler relation and the bravo moment JI Hyun was happy she received 3 tear drop at last when the doctor says he is sorry he can't save her. Suddenly our heart stop beating for a moment Ji Hyun awake.
It was very interesting for us that the Scheduler was also on a task/punishment and he completed it very well now the time to fullfil his desire wish. He wants to have happy moments with Yi kyung. So he did all for Yi kyung he wanted to do before he died and unexpected accidental death. As promised her wish fullfilled he proposed Yi Kyung personally and disappered. This scene make our eyes teared so cute na.
Every thing was settle we were happy the fiance recieve the punishment. Ji Hyun came back to life and after a week she died the actual death. Yi Kyung turned out to be the real elder sister of Ji Hyun with the help of Han Kang. She met her parents and continued her job at Han kang resturant. We were sad for Ji hyun and happy for Yi kyung it was nice watching 49 Days. We recommend you to watch this drama. Its a rewatchable play we watched it for 3 times. Its all till now let meet with next K drama review.